My friend Sara inspired this blog!
Change...sometimes we don't even see it coming and other times we feel it before we see it! My daughter, almost 22 months, started showing signs that she was ready for potty training. Thanks to Mamaw we got a potty chair and began a slow process of preparation. This I saw coming. Lilian is almost 2 and very intelligent. However, the following weekend she climbed out of her crib!? So into a big girl bed we went. Did not see this change coming. I'm not sure if the change in the season and all the leaves on the ground have prompted a sense of change inside me or if it's merely God getting ahold of my heart. But I feel more change coming. I have renewed a passion for my daily workout...I started getting lazy and complained more and more about my weight plateau. I took some time to reorganize some areas in my house that desperately needed my attention. I have also been focusing my attention more to our youth ministry and the needs of the teen girls and how I have come up short in meeting those needs. God has been changing me and showing me areas that need attention in my own heart as well. I challenge you to see what change God would make in your heart and life as well. For me this includes more control of my emotions & my eating habits, and more patience with my daughter who needs me to be an example at ALL times. this is not an overnight miracle change but a fight against my flesh daily, where with God's help I have to win every time. No exceptions and no excuses. My heart's desire is to be the change I want to see in this world and I choose to start that change within my heart and life today.
It thrills me to be able to say that you're my wife. I love you!!!!!
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