what I did with my saturday...

Mar 21, 2009

I did another baby shower cake last weekend and managed my time poorly and was not happy with my finished product. (to the people at that baby shower...I am sorry) I knew I didn't want to hate myself or the finished product this weekend, so I took my time and love the cake I have completed! I also had a very good little helper. My sister got us matching Mommy and me aprons for Christmas. I LOVE wearing them together.


Mar 17, 2009

I'm so ready for spring. Here are my top 5 reasons why...

5. The windows open in the house and car
4. More sunshine
3. Breaking the grill out
2. No jacket
1. Unashamedly wearing my flip flops!!!!!

Summer will be here soon and I really can't wait for that! Break out the swimming pools!